openpyxl.drawing.fill module
- class openpyxl.drawing.fill.Blip(cstate=None, embed=None, link=None, noGrp=None, noSelect=None, noRot=None, noChangeAspect=None, noMove=None, noResize=None, noEditPoints=None, noAdjustHandles=None, noChangeArrowheads=None, noChangeShapeType=None, extLst=None, alphaBiLevel=None, alphaCeiling=None, alphaFloor=None, alphaInv=None, alphaMod=None, alphaModFix=None, alphaRepl=None, biLevel=None, blur=None, clrChange=None, clrRepl=None, duotone=None, fillOverlay=None, grayscl=None, hsl=None, lum=None, tint=None)[source]
- alphaBiLevel
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.effect.AlphaBiLevelEffect’>
- alphaCeiling
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.effect.AlphaCeilingEffect’>
- alphaFloor
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.effect.AlphaFloorEffect’>
- alphaInv
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.effect.AlphaInverseEffect’>
- alphaMod
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.effect.AlphaModulateEffect’>
- alphaModFix
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.effect.AlphaModulateFixedEffect’>
- alphaRepl
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.effect.AlphaReplaceEffect’>
- biLevel
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.effect.BiLevelEffect’>
- blur
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.effect.BlurEffect’>
- clrChange
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.effect.ColorChangeEffect’>
- clrRepl
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.effect.ColorReplaceEffect’>
- cstate
Value must be one of {‘hqprint’, ‘email’, ‘print’, ‘screen’}
- duotone
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.effect.DuotoneEffect’>
- embed
Values must be of type <class ‘str’>
- extLst
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.descriptors.excel.ExtensionList’>
- fillOverlay
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.effect.FillOverlayEffect’>
- grayscl
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.effect.GrayscaleEffect’>
- hsl
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.effect.HSLEffect’>
- link
Values must be of type <class ‘str’>
- lum
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.effect.LuminanceEffect’>
- namespace = ''
- noAdjustHandles
Values must be of type <class ‘bool’>
- noChangeArrowheads
Values must be of type <class ‘bool’>
- noChangeAspect
Values must be of type <class ‘bool’>
- noChangeShapeType
Values must be of type <class ‘bool’>
- noEditPoints
Values must be of type <class ‘bool’>
- noGrp
Values must be of type <class ‘bool’>
- noMove
Values must be of type <class ‘bool’>
- noResize
Values must be of type <class ‘bool’>
- noRot
Values must be of type <class ‘bool’>
- noSelect
Values must be of type <class ‘bool’>
- tagname = 'blip'
- tint
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.effect.TintEffect’>
- class openpyxl.drawing.fill.BlipFillProperties(dpi=None, rotWithShape=None, blip=None, tile=None, stretch=<openpyxl.drawing.fill.StretchInfoProperties object> Parameters: fillRect=<openpyxl.drawing.fill.RelativeRect object> Parameters: l=None, t=None, r=None, b=None, srcRect=None)[source]
- blip
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.fill.Blip’>
- dpi
Values must be of type <class ‘int’>
- rotWithShape
Values must be of type <class ‘bool’>
- srcRect
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.fill.RelativeRect’>
- stretch
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.fill.StretchInfoProperties’>
- tagname = 'blipFill'
- tile
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.fill.TileInfoProperties’>
- class openpyxl.drawing.fill.GradientFillProperties(flip=None, rotWithShape=None, gsLst=(), lin=None, path=None, tileRect=None)[source]
- flip
Value must be one of {‘xy’, ‘y’, ‘x’}
- gsLst
Wrap a sequence in an containing object
- lin
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.fill.LinearShadeProperties’>
- linear
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.fill.LinearShadeProperties’>
- namespace = ''
- path
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.fill.PathShadeProperties’>
- rotWithShape
Values must be of type <class ‘bool’>
- stop_list
Wrap a sequence in an containing object
- tagname = 'gradFill'
- tileRect
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.fill.RelativeRect’>
- class openpyxl.drawing.fill.GradientStop(pos=None, scrgbClr=None, srgbClr=None, hslClr=None, sysClr=None, schemeClr=None, prstClr=None)[source]
Values must be of type <class ‘str’>
- RGBPercent
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.colors.RGBPercent’>
- hslClr
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.colors.HSLColor’>
- namespace = ''
- pos
Values must be of type <class ‘float’>
- prstClr
Value must be one of {‘dimGrey’, ‘darkGray’, ‘orchid’, ‘dkRed’, ‘hotPink’, ‘papayaWhip’, ‘aquamarine’, ‘ghostWhite’, ‘olive’, ‘navy’, ‘gold’, ‘medTurquoise’, ‘azure’, ‘greenYellow’, ‘yellow’, ‘lightBlue’, ‘mistyRose’, ‘dimGray’, ‘black’, ‘cornflowerBlue’, ‘floralWhite’, ‘linen’, ‘darkBlue’, ‘aliceBlue’, ‘mintCream’, ‘blanchedAlmond’, ‘mediumAquamarine’, ‘medSpringGreen’, ‘ltSlateGrey’, ‘seaShell’, ‘dkTurquoise’, ‘lightCoral’, ‘medSeaGreen’, ‘powderBlue’, ‘burlyWood’, ‘bisque’, ‘blueViolet’, ‘dkCyan’, ‘navajoWhite’, ‘ltPink’, ‘wheat’, ‘darkOliveGreen’, ‘dodgerBlue’, ‘lightCyan’, ‘grey’, ‘mediumSpringGreen’, ‘dkSlateGray’, ‘darkKhaki’, ‘lightSlateGray’, ‘ltGray’, ‘dkSeaGreen’, ‘thistle’, ‘seaGreen’, ‘mediumTurquoise’, ‘lightSkyBlue’, ‘lightGoldenrodYellow’, ‘moccasin’, ‘mediumBlue’, ‘lawnGreen’, ‘mediumOrchid’, ‘cornsilk’, ‘dkMagenta’, ‘oliveDrab’, ‘darkSlateBlue’, ‘gray’, ‘coral’, ‘paleGoldenrod’, ‘ltCyan’, ‘darkTurquoise’, ‘teal’, ‘dkOliveGreen’, ‘deepPink’, ‘ltSteelBlue’, ‘springGreen’, ‘steelBlue’, ‘lightSlateGrey’, ‘blue’, ‘beige’, ‘dkSlateBlue’, ‘rosyBrown’, ‘green’, ‘saddleBrown’, ‘lightGray’, ‘medPurple’, ‘dkGreen’, ‘forestGreen’, ‘darkViolet’, ‘skyBlue’, ‘darkSlateGray’, ‘lightGreen’, ‘red’, ‘ltSlateGray’, ‘lightSalmon’, ‘ltSkyBlue’, ‘dkGoldenrod’, ‘deepSkyBlue’, ‘magenta’, ‘purple’, ‘darkMagenta’, ‘medBlue’, ‘antiqueWhite’, ‘ltCoral’, ‘ltSeaGreen’, ‘crimson’, ‘dkGray’, ‘lightSteelBlue’, ‘darkSeaGreen’, ‘paleTurquoise’, ‘indigo’, ‘pink’, ‘tomato’, ‘brown’, ‘dkOrchid’, ‘ivory’, ‘darkGreen’, ‘lemonChiffon’, ‘paleVioletRed’, ‘firebrick’, ‘mediumPurple’, ‘khaki’, ‘cadetBlue’, ‘lightYellow’, ‘turquoise’, ‘oldLace’, ‘ltSalmon’, ‘sandyBrown’, ‘medAquamarine’, ‘yellowGreen’, ‘dkOrange’, ‘ltYellow’, ‘mediumVioletRed’, ‘silver’, ‘medVioletRed’, ‘darkCyan’, ‘dkViolet’, ‘lightSeaGreen’, ‘mediumSeaGreen’, ‘darkSalmon’, ‘fuchsia’, ‘plum’, ‘sienna’, ‘slateGrey’, ‘paleGreen’, ‘tan’, ‘lightPink’, ‘lavender’, ‘darkGrey’, ‘snow’, ‘orange’, ‘ltGoldenrodYellow’, ‘slateBlue’, ‘maroon’, ‘darkOrchid’, ‘dkSlateGrey’, ‘orangeRed’, ‘peachPuff’, ‘white’, ‘violet’, ‘ltGrey’, ‘darkSlateGrey’, ‘dkBlue’, ‘darkOrange’, ‘honeydew’, ‘midnightBlue’, ‘limeGreen’, ‘salmon’, ‘aqua’, ‘medOrchid’, ‘ltBlue’, ‘cyan’, ‘chocolate’, ‘slateGray’, ‘chartreuse’, ‘indianRed’, ‘darkRed’, ‘lime’, ‘dkKhaki’, ‘peru’, ‘lavenderBlush’, ‘whiteSmoke’, ‘ltGreen’, ‘royalBlue’, ‘dkSalmon’, ‘gainsboro’, ‘darkGoldenrod’, ‘goldenrod’, ‘lightGrey’, ‘dkGrey’, ‘mediumSlateBlue’, ‘medSlateBlue’}
- schemeClr
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.colors.SchemeColor’>
- scrgbClr
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.colors.RGBPercent’>
- srgbClr
Values must be of type <class ‘str’>
- sysClr
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.colors.SystemColor’>
- tagname = 'gs'
- class openpyxl.drawing.fill.LinearShadeProperties(ang=None, scaled=None)[source]
- ang
Values must be of type <class ‘int’>
- namespace = ''
- scaled
Values must be of type <class ‘bool’>
- tagname = 'lin'
- class openpyxl.drawing.fill.PathShadeProperties(path=None, fillToRect=None)[source]
- fillToRect
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.fill.RelativeRect’>
- namespace = ''
- path
Value must be one of {‘circle’, ‘shape’, ‘rect’}
- tagname = 'path'
- class openpyxl.drawing.fill.PatternFillProperties(prst=None, fgClr=None, bgClr=None)[source]
- background
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.colors.ColorChoice’>
- bgClr
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.colors.ColorChoice’>
- fgClr
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.colors.ColorChoice’>
- foreground
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.colors.ColorChoice’>
- namespace = ''
- preset
Value must be one of {‘trellis’, ‘wave’, ‘pct60’, ‘ltVert’, ‘dnDiag’, ‘weave’, ‘dotDmnd’, ‘dkDnDiag’, ‘divot’, ‘zigZag’, ‘pct40’, ‘dashHorz’, ‘pct50’, ‘lgCheck’, ‘lgGrid’, ‘narVert’, ‘dashVert’, ‘dashUpDiag’, ‘solidDmnd’, ‘sphere’, ‘dkHorz’, ‘wdDnDiag’, ‘lgConfetti’, ‘smConfetti’, ‘dotGrid’, ‘openDmnd’, ‘pct80’, ‘pct25’, ‘pct20’, ‘dashDnDiag’, ‘diagCross’, ‘smGrid’, ‘pct10’, ‘pct90’, ‘vert’, ‘narHorz’, ‘shingle’, ‘plaid’, ‘diagBrick’, ‘horzBrick’, ‘upDiag’, ‘ltHorz’, ‘cross’, ‘ltDnDiag’, ‘ltUpDiag’, ‘wdUpDiag’, ‘dkUpDiag’, ‘dkVert’, ‘horz’, ‘pct70’, ‘pct30’, ‘smCheck’, ‘pct5’, ‘pct75’}
- prst
Value must be one of {‘trellis’, ‘wave’, ‘pct60’, ‘ltVert’, ‘dnDiag’, ‘weave’, ‘dotDmnd’, ‘dkDnDiag’, ‘divot’, ‘zigZag’, ‘pct40’, ‘dashHorz’, ‘pct50’, ‘lgCheck’, ‘lgGrid’, ‘narVert’, ‘dashVert’, ‘dashUpDiag’, ‘solidDmnd’, ‘sphere’, ‘dkHorz’, ‘wdDnDiag’, ‘lgConfetti’, ‘smConfetti’, ‘dotGrid’, ‘openDmnd’, ‘pct80’, ‘pct25’, ‘pct20’, ‘dashDnDiag’, ‘diagCross’, ‘smGrid’, ‘pct10’, ‘pct90’, ‘vert’, ‘narHorz’, ‘shingle’, ‘plaid’, ‘diagBrick’, ‘horzBrick’, ‘upDiag’, ‘ltHorz’, ‘cross’, ‘ltDnDiag’, ‘ltUpDiag’, ‘wdUpDiag’, ‘dkUpDiag’, ‘dkVert’, ‘horz’, ‘pct70’, ‘pct30’, ‘smCheck’, ‘pct5’, ‘pct75’}
- tagname = 'pattFill'
- class openpyxl.drawing.fill.RelativeRect(l=None, t=None, r=None, b=None)[source]
- b
Values must be of type <class ‘float’>
- bottom
Values must be of type <class ‘float’>
- l
Values must be of type <class ‘float’>
- left
Values must be of type <class ‘float’>
- namespace = ''
- r
Values must be of type <class ‘float’>
- right
Values must be of type <class ‘float’>
- t
Values must be of type <class ‘float’>
- tagname = 'rect'
- top
Values must be of type <class ‘float’>
- class openpyxl.drawing.fill.SolidColorFillProperties(scrgbClr=None, srgbClr=None, hslClr=None, sysClr=None, schemeClr=None, prstClr=None)[source]
Values must be of type <class ‘str’>
- RGBPercent
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.colors.RGBPercent’>
- hslClr
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.colors.HSLColor’>
- prstClr
Value must be one of {‘dimGrey’, ‘darkGray’, ‘orchid’, ‘dkRed’, ‘hotPink’, ‘papayaWhip’, ‘aquamarine’, ‘ghostWhite’, ‘olive’, ‘navy’, ‘gold’, ‘medTurquoise’, ‘azure’, ‘greenYellow’, ‘yellow’, ‘lightBlue’, ‘mistyRose’, ‘dimGray’, ‘black’, ‘cornflowerBlue’, ‘floralWhite’, ‘linen’, ‘darkBlue’, ‘aliceBlue’, ‘mintCream’, ‘blanchedAlmond’, ‘mediumAquamarine’, ‘medSpringGreen’, ‘ltSlateGrey’, ‘seaShell’, ‘dkTurquoise’, ‘lightCoral’, ‘medSeaGreen’, ‘powderBlue’, ‘burlyWood’, ‘bisque’, ‘blueViolet’, ‘dkCyan’, ‘navajoWhite’, ‘ltPink’, ‘wheat’, ‘darkOliveGreen’, ‘dodgerBlue’, ‘lightCyan’, ‘grey’, ‘mediumSpringGreen’, ‘dkSlateGray’, ‘darkKhaki’, ‘lightSlateGray’, ‘ltGray’, ‘dkSeaGreen’, ‘thistle’, ‘seaGreen’, ‘mediumTurquoise’, ‘lightSkyBlue’, ‘lightGoldenrodYellow’, ‘moccasin’, ‘mediumBlue’, ‘lawnGreen’, ‘mediumOrchid’, ‘cornsilk’, ‘dkMagenta’, ‘oliveDrab’, ‘darkSlateBlue’, ‘gray’, ‘coral’, ‘paleGoldenrod’, ‘ltCyan’, ‘darkTurquoise’, ‘teal’, ‘dkOliveGreen’, ‘deepPink’, ‘ltSteelBlue’, ‘springGreen’, ‘steelBlue’, ‘lightSlateGrey’, ‘blue’, ‘beige’, ‘dkSlateBlue’, ‘rosyBrown’, ‘green’, ‘saddleBrown’, ‘lightGray’, ‘medPurple’, ‘dkGreen’, ‘forestGreen’, ‘darkViolet’, ‘skyBlue’, ‘darkSlateGray’, ‘lightGreen’, ‘red’, ‘ltSlateGray’, ‘lightSalmon’, ‘ltSkyBlue’, ‘dkGoldenrod’, ‘deepSkyBlue’, ‘magenta’, ‘purple’, ‘darkMagenta’, ‘medBlue’, ‘antiqueWhite’, ‘ltCoral’, ‘ltSeaGreen’, ‘crimson’, ‘dkGray’, ‘lightSteelBlue’, ‘darkSeaGreen’, ‘paleTurquoise’, ‘indigo’, ‘pink’, ‘tomato’, ‘brown’, ‘dkOrchid’, ‘ivory’, ‘darkGreen’, ‘lemonChiffon’, ‘paleVioletRed’, ‘firebrick’, ‘mediumPurple’, ‘khaki’, ‘cadetBlue’, ‘lightYellow’, ‘turquoise’, ‘oldLace’, ‘ltSalmon’, ‘sandyBrown’, ‘medAquamarine’, ‘yellowGreen’, ‘dkOrange’, ‘ltYellow’, ‘mediumVioletRed’, ‘silver’, ‘medVioletRed’, ‘darkCyan’, ‘dkViolet’, ‘lightSeaGreen’, ‘mediumSeaGreen’, ‘darkSalmon’, ‘fuchsia’, ‘plum’, ‘sienna’, ‘slateGrey’, ‘paleGreen’, ‘tan’, ‘lightPink’, ‘lavender’, ‘darkGrey’, ‘snow’, ‘orange’, ‘ltGoldenrodYellow’, ‘slateBlue’, ‘maroon’, ‘darkOrchid’, ‘dkSlateGrey’, ‘orangeRed’, ‘peachPuff’, ‘white’, ‘violet’, ‘ltGrey’, ‘darkSlateGrey’, ‘dkBlue’, ‘darkOrange’, ‘honeydew’, ‘midnightBlue’, ‘limeGreen’, ‘salmon’, ‘aqua’, ‘medOrchid’, ‘ltBlue’, ‘cyan’, ‘chocolate’, ‘slateGray’, ‘chartreuse’, ‘indianRed’, ‘darkRed’, ‘lime’, ‘dkKhaki’, ‘peru’, ‘lavenderBlush’, ‘whiteSmoke’, ‘ltGreen’, ‘royalBlue’, ‘dkSalmon’, ‘gainsboro’, ‘darkGoldenrod’, ‘goldenrod’, ‘lightGrey’, ‘dkGrey’, ‘mediumSlateBlue’, ‘medSlateBlue’}
- schemeClr
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.colors.SchemeColor’>
- scrgbClr
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.colors.RGBPercent’>
- srgbClr
Values must be of type <class ‘str’>
- sysClr
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.colors.SystemColor’>
- tagname = 'solidFill'
- class openpyxl.drawing.fill.StretchInfoProperties(fillRect=<openpyxl.drawing.fill.RelativeRect object> Parameters: l=None, t=None, r=None, b=None)[source]
- fillRect
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.fill.RelativeRect’>
- namespace = ''
- tagname = 'stretch'
- class openpyxl.drawing.fill.TileInfoProperties(tx=None, ty=None, sx=None, sy=None, flip=None, algn=None)[source]
- algn
Value must be one of {‘b’, ‘t’, ‘ctr’, ‘bl’, ‘r’, ‘l’, ‘tr’, ‘br’, ‘tl’}
- flip
Value must be one of {‘xy’, ‘y’, ‘x’}
- sx
Values must be of type <class ‘int’>
- sy
Values must be of type <class ‘int’>
- tx
Values must be of type <class ‘int’>
- ty
Values must be of type <class ‘int’>