openpyxl.drawing.line module
- class openpyxl.drawing.line.DashStop(d=0, sp=0)[source]
- d
Values must be of type <class ‘int’>
- length
Values must be of type <class ‘int’>
- namespace = ''
- sp
Values must be of type <class ‘int’>
- space
Values must be of type <class ‘int’>
- tagname = 'ds'
- class openpyxl.drawing.line.DashStopList(ds=None)[source]
- ds
A sequence (list or tuple) that may only contain objects of the declared type
- class openpyxl.drawing.line.LineEndProperties(type=None, w=None, len=None)[source]
- len
Value must be one of {‘med’, ‘lg’, ‘sm’}
- namespace = ''
- tagname = 'end'
- type
Value must be one of {‘arrow’, ‘oval’, ‘triangle’, ‘stealth’, ‘diamond’, ‘none’}
- w
Value must be one of {‘med’, ‘lg’, ‘sm’}
- class openpyxl.drawing.line.LineProperties(w=None, cap=None, cmpd=None, algn=None, noFill=None, solidFill=None, gradFill=None, pattFill=None, prstDash=None, custDash=None, round=None, bevel=None, miter=None, headEnd=None, tailEnd=None, extLst=None)[source]
- algn
Value must be one of {‘ctr’, ‘in’}
- bevel
Values must be of type <class ‘bool’>
- cap
Value must be one of {‘flat’, ‘rnd’, ‘sq’}
- cmpd
Value must be one of {‘thickThin’, ‘dbl’, ‘thinThick’, ‘sng’, ‘tri’}
- custDash
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.line.DashStop’>
- dashStyle
Value must be one of {‘lgDash’, ‘solid’, ‘dash’, ‘sysDot’, ‘sysDash’, ‘lgDashDot’, ‘lgDashDotDot’, ‘sysDashDot’, ‘dot’, ‘sysDashDotDot’, ‘dashDot’}
- extLst
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.descriptors.excel.ExtensionList’>
- gradFill
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.fill.GradientFillProperties’>
- headEnd
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.line.LineEndProperties’>
- miter
Values must be of type <class ‘int’>
- namespace = ''
- noFill
Values must be of type <class ‘bool’>
- pattFill
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.fill.PatternFillProperties’>
- prstDash
Value must be one of {‘lgDash’, ‘solid’, ‘dash’, ‘sysDot’, ‘sysDash’, ‘lgDashDot’, ‘lgDashDotDot’, ‘sysDashDot’, ‘dot’, ‘sysDashDotDot’, ‘dashDot’}
- round
Values must be of type <class ‘bool’>
- solidFill
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.colors.ColorChoice’>
- tagname = 'ln'
- tailEnd
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.drawing.line.LineEndProperties’>
- w
Values must be of type <class ‘float’>
- width
Values must be of type <class ‘float’>