openpyxl.worksheet.datavalidation module
- class openpyxl.worksheet.datavalidation.DataValidation(type=None, formula1=None, formula2=None, showErrorMessage=False, showInputMessage=False, showDropDown=False, allowBlank=False, sqref=(), promptTitle=None, errorStyle=None, error=None, prompt=None, errorTitle=None, imeMode=None, operator=None, allow_blank=None)[source]
- allowBlank
Values must be of type <class ‘bool’>
- allow_blank
Values must be of type <class ‘bool’>
- cells
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.worksheet.cell_range.MultiCellRange’>
- error
Values must be of type <class ‘str’>
- errorStyle
Value must be one of {‘information’, ‘stop’, ‘warning’}
- errorTitle
Values must be of type <class ‘str’>
- formula1
Values must be of type <class ‘str’>
- formula2
Values must be of type <class ‘str’>
- hide_drop_down
Values must be of type <class ‘bool’>
- imeMode
Value must be one of {‘noControl’, ‘halfHangul’, ‘fullKatakana’, ‘halfAlpha’, ‘fullHangul’, ‘hiragana’, ‘on’, ‘disabled’, ‘fullAlpha’, ‘off’, ‘halfKatakana’}
- operator
Value must be one of {‘between’, ‘lessThanOrEqual’, ‘greaterThanOrEqual’, ‘notEqual’, ‘greaterThan’, ‘equal’, ‘lessThan’, ‘notBetween’}
- prompt
Values must be of type <class ‘str’>
- promptTitle
Values must be of type <class ‘str’>
- ranges
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.worksheet.cell_range.MultiCellRange’>
- showDropDown
Values must be of type <class ‘bool’>
- showErrorMessage
Values must be of type <class ‘bool’>
- showInputMessage
Values must be of type <class ‘bool’>
- sqref
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.worksheet.cell_range.MultiCellRange’>
- tagname = 'dataValidation'
- type
Value must be one of {‘whole’, ‘custom’, ‘textLength’, ‘list’, ‘time’, ‘date’, ‘decimal’}
- validation_type
Value must be one of {‘whole’, ‘custom’, ‘textLength’, ‘list’, ‘time’, ‘date’, ‘decimal’}
- class openpyxl.worksheet.datavalidation.DataValidationList(disablePrompts=None, xWindow=None, yWindow=None, count=None, dataValidation=())[source]
- property count
- dataValidation
A sequence (list or tuple) that may only contain objects of the declared type
- disablePrompts
Values must be of type <class ‘bool’>
- tagname = 'dataValidations'
- xWindow
Values must be of type <class ‘int’>
- yWindow
Values must be of type <class ‘int’>
- openpyxl.worksheet.datavalidation.collapse_cell_addresses(cells, input_ranges=())[source]
Collapse a collection of cell co-ordinates down into an optimal range or collection of ranges.
E.g. Cells A1, A2, A3, B1, B2 and B3 should have the data-validation object applied, attempt to collapse down to a single range, A1:B3.
Currently only collapsing contiguous vertical ranges (i.e. above example results in A1:A3 B1:B3).