openpyxl.worksheet.table module
- class openpyxl.worksheet.table.Table(id=1, displayName=None, ref=None, name=None, comment=None, tableType=None, headerRowCount=1, insertRow=None, insertRowShift=None, totalsRowCount=None, totalsRowShown=None, published=None, headerRowDxfId=None, dataDxfId=None, totalsRowDxfId=None, headerRowBorderDxfId=None, tableBorderDxfId=None, totalsRowBorderDxfId=None, headerRowCellStyle=None, dataCellStyle=None, totalsRowCellStyle=None, connectionId=None, autoFilter=None, sortState=None, tableColumns=(), tableStyleInfo=None, extLst=None)[source]
- autoFilter
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.worksheet.filters.AutoFilter’>
- property column_names
- comment
Values must be of type <class ‘str’>
- connectionId
Values must be of type <class ‘int’>
- dataCellStyle
Values must be of type <class ‘str’>
- dataDxfId
Values must be of type <class ‘int’>
- displayName
Values must be of type <class ‘str’>
- extLst
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.descriptors.excel.ExtensionList’>
- headerRowBorderDxfId
Values must be of type <class ‘int’>
- headerRowCellStyle
Values must be of type <class ‘str’>
- headerRowCount
Values must be of type <class ‘int’>
- headerRowDxfId
Values must be of type <class ‘int’>
- id
Values must be of type <class ‘int’>
- insertRow
Values must be of type <class ‘bool’>
- insertRowShift
Values must be of type <class ‘bool’>
- mime_type = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.table+xml'
- name
Values must be of type <class ‘str’>
- property path
Return path within the archive
- published
Values must be of type <class ‘bool’>
- ref
- sortState
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.worksheet.filters.SortState’>
- tableBorderDxfId
Values must be of type <class ‘int’>
- tableColumns
Wrap a sequence in an containing object
- tableStyleInfo
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.worksheet.table.TableStyleInfo’>
- tableType
Value must be one of {‘xml’, ‘queryTable’, ‘worksheet’}
- tagname = 'table'
- totalsRowBorderDxfId
Values must be of type <class ‘int’>
- totalsRowCellStyle
Values must be of type <class ‘str’>
- totalsRowCount
Values must be of type <class ‘int’>
- totalsRowDxfId
Values must be of type <class ‘int’>
- totalsRowShown
Values must be of type <class ‘bool’>
- class openpyxl.worksheet.table.TableColumn(id=None, uniqueName=None, name=None, totalsRowFunction=None, totalsRowLabel=None, queryTableFieldId=None, headerRowDxfId=None, dataDxfId=None, totalsRowDxfId=None, headerRowCellStyle=None, dataCellStyle=None, totalsRowCellStyle=None, calculatedColumnFormula=None, totalsRowFormula=None, xmlColumnPr=None, extLst=None)[source]
- calculatedColumnFormula
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.worksheet.table.TableFormula’>
- dataCellStyle
Values must be of type <class ‘str’>
- dataDxfId
Values must be of type <class ‘int’>
- extLst
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.descriptors.excel.ExtensionList’>
- headerRowCellStyle
Values must be of type <class ‘str’>
- headerRowDxfId
Values must be of type <class ‘int’>
- id
Values must be of type <class ‘int’>
- name
Values must be of type <class ‘str’>
- queryTableFieldId
Values must be of type <class ‘int’>
- tagname = 'tableColumn'
- totalsRowCellStyle
Values must be of type <class ‘str’>
- totalsRowDxfId
Values must be of type <class ‘int’>
- totalsRowFormula
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.worksheet.table.TableFormula’>
- totalsRowFunction
Value must be one of {‘stdDev’, ‘max’, ‘custom’, ‘min’, ‘count’, ‘countNums’, ‘sum’, ‘var’, ‘average’}
- totalsRowLabel
Values must be of type <class ‘str’>
- uniqueName
Values must be of type <class ‘str’>
- xmlColumnPr
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.worksheet.table.XMLColumnProps’>
- class openpyxl.worksheet.table.TableFormula(array=None, attr_text=None)[source]
- array
Values must be of type <class ‘bool’>
- attr_text
- tagname = 'tableFormula'
- text
- class openpyxl.worksheet.table.TableList[source]
- class openpyxl.worksheet.table.TableNameDescriptor(*args, **kw)[source]
Table names cannot have spaces in them
- class openpyxl.worksheet.table.TablePartList(count=None, tablePart=())[source]
- property count
- tablePart
A sequence (list or tuple) that may only contain objects of the declared type
- tagname = 'tableParts'
- class openpyxl.worksheet.table.TableStyleInfo(name=None, showFirstColumn=None, showLastColumn=None, showRowStripes=None, showColumnStripes=None)[source]
- name
Values must be of type <class ‘str’>
- showColumnStripes
Values must be of type <class ‘bool’>
- showFirstColumn
Values must be of type <class ‘bool’>
- showLastColumn
Values must be of type <class ‘bool’>
- showRowStripes
Values must be of type <class ‘bool’>
- tagname = 'tableStyleInfo'
- class openpyxl.worksheet.table.XMLColumnProps(mapId=None, xpath=None, denormalized=None, xmlDataType=None, extLst=None)[source]
- denormalized
Values must be of type <class ‘bool’>
- extLst
Values must be of type <class ‘openpyxl.descriptors.excel.ExtensionList’>
- mapId
Values must be of type <class ‘int’>
- tagname = 'xmlColumnPr'
- xmlDataType
Values must be of type <class ‘str’>
- xpath
Values must be of type <class ‘str’>